to help you strengthen your understanding of the Bible

Understanding the 66 Books of the Bible
The Bible is the mind of Christ between two covers; but those covers enclose 66 books that may seem confusing. After all, God’s Word is a big book—66 segments, Genesis to Revelation. But the Lord imparted His Word to teach us, not baffle us; and each of His 66 books is understandable and vital to our well-being.
Understanding the 66 Books of the Bible is a resource to orient you to each of God’s special books, whether you’re a new reader or a veteran student, whether you want to visit the Gospel of John, or take a journey into Nahum or Jude. In this volume you’ll find a simple digest for each book, along with a key thought, key verse, key action, and prayer. It will be the fastest journey through the Bible you will ever experience!

Living the 66 Books of the Bible
Reading and studying the Bible will transform every aspect of your life. God wants its truths to permeate your life—making your habits, home, and hopes centered on Him. The Lord has a way of taking a book and turning it into a breakthrough. He can turn a chapter into a challenge, a verse into a vision. He can make you a testament to His love.
In Living the 66 Books of the Bible, David Jeremiah reviews the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament, emphasizing their relationship to living for Him each day. Each chapter includes a practical message and stated theme for that book, a key verse, a prayer, and a challenge to put into action.

The Jeremiah Bible Study Series
The Jeremiah Bible Study Series captures Dr. David Jeremiah’s many years of commitment in teaching the Word of God. In each study, you will gain insights into the text, identify the key stories and themes, and be challenged to correctly apply the truths and meanings you find to your own life. Sections include:
- Getting Started: An opening question to introduce the lesson
- Setting the Stage: A short reflection to explain the context of the study
- Exploring the Text: The Scripture reading for the lesson with related study questions
- Reviewing the Story: Questions to help you identify key points in the Scripture reading
- Applying the Message: Questions to help you apply the key ideas to your life
- Reflecting on the Meaning: A closing reflection on the key teachings in the lesson

Answers to Questions About the Bible
You know the Bible is God’s Word and that it contains the answers you need, but it can also be confusing. It is a collection of individual books with different authors, settings, and themes, yet God Himself composed each page with one cohesive storyline from beginning to end.
In Answers to Questions About the Bible, David Jeremiah breaks it all down for you; dividing your questions into five topical sections to simplify your search for answers.
- Giving clarity on the structure and content of the Bible.
- Offering definitions of biblical terminology.
- Identifying ways to study the Bible more effectively.

The Jeremiah Study Bible
Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come!
The Jeremiah Study Bible focuses on three simple things: what does the Bible say, what does it mean, and what it means for you. Comprehensive in scope yet easy to understand, The Jeremiah Study Bible is a 2,200 page, one-of-a-kind study tool. !
It Features:
- Unique introductions to each book of the Bible from Dr. Jeremiah
- 8,000 individual study notes with both insightful and practical content
- Words of Jesus in red-letter print
- Easy-to-read font size: 12 pt. Garamond for standard print, 14 pt. Garamond for large print

Streaming TV shows is great. But streaming the unchanging Word of God? Even better! TurningPoint+ gives you access to more than 1,200 of Dr. David Jeremiah’s timeless, Bible-based sermons— anytime, anywhere from your phone, computer, or smart TV. With TurningPoint+, you have a vast library of biblical insight always within reach as you study God’s Word. It is also an incredible tool for group Bible studies! Never before has Turning Point offered such a deep archive of the 40 years of Bible-strong teaching from Dr. David Jeremiah. And it is all available to you when you support Turning Point with an automatic monthly gift of any amount!

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We all know life is simply sweeter when we are washed daily in the Word, but let’s face it, the pace of life sometimes makes it challenging to find the time to seek out trusted sources of truth that we can fit into our busy routines. With the convenience of this app, you will find it easy to access all the rich resources from Dr. David Jeremiah whenever and wherever you need them most!